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Tagged “review”

  1. It's peak Turrell skyspace viewing season
  2. A review of H Mart in San Francisco
  3. Snufkin, wholesome anarchist role model
  4. Talking about it and doing it in Liberté
  5. Repression and blasphemy in The Devils
  6. The joie de vivre of Poor Things
  7. Review: The Left Hand of Dog by Si Clarke
  8. Some excerpts from The Unique and Its Property by Max Stirner
  9. Seeing the obvious in the Turrell skyspace
  10. Hair metal fantasy Cymbeline in McLaren Park
  11. The inner life manifest as supernatural in The Shining
  12. Cozy necromancy
  13. Fiction writers who worked as technical writers
  14. What makes a good comfort read?
  15. Review: Watchtower, The Dancers of Arun, and The Northern Girl by Elizabeth A. Lynn
  16. Review: The Moon Moth and Rose/House
  17. Unplayable games and untellable tales
  18. Review: Of Grammatology by Jacques Derrida
  19. Tacita Dean’s four-leaf clover collection vs my four-leaf clover collection
  20. Review: Penguin Cordon Bleu Cookery
  21. The cursed Safeway and other grocery stores of San Francisco
  22. Translating Big Potatoes: A Kind of Review of Embryology by Magdalena Abakanowicz
  23. Angry About Literature: Yes, We Must Read de Sade (Part 3 of 3)
  24. Angry About Literature: Must We Read de Sade? (Part 2 of 3 (I'm so sorry))
  25. Angry About Literature: Must We Read de Sade? (Part 1)
  26. Angry About Literature: How This Will Work, and Le Morte d'Arthur

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