
White abstract glyphs on black background


"At the mercy of the geography"

Self expression in poetry

There is no outside the self

by AK Krajewska

You don't need to talk about your feelings or yourself to express yourself through art and creativity. You can make art about the world, make it as realistic as you'd like, and it is still self-expression. Anything you might create about the world outside yourself, is also about you. Because... Continue reading (1474 words)

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The internet of cat slop

by AK Krajewska

I got a cat recently and I'm still figuring out how it works. So, I've been doing a lot of internet searches for things like Why does cat meow. But instead of finding some lovingly obsessive blog post or scientific paper about cat vocalizations and their meaning, I got basically the same generic article over and over. Continue reading (1515 words)

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A cat enters the scene

by AK Krajewska

We adopted a cat this week, somewhat impulsively. While Paul and I were strolling in the neighborhood on Thursday, I spotted a sign with a photo of a cute tabby cat who needed a home. It had a number to call if you were interested. I took a photo and a day later, after thinking how awkward it would feel to actually call a stranger, I texted instead. Continue reading (1149 words)

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Kombucha experiment

A pet shoggoth makes fizzy vinegar

by AK Krajewska

Why would I want to drink rotten tea? Is what I thought, and possibly also said, the first time I heard of kombucha. Even though I happily ate and made many other fermented foods and drinks, kombucha seemed weird and gross. Honestly, I think it... Continue reading (1550 words)

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Photos of the 2024 SF Succulent Expo

by AK Krajewska

The San Francisco Succulent & Cactus Society held their annual plant show and sale on the weekend of June 14-16. Since I joined the SFSCS last August, having just missed that year's show, this was my first time attending. It was amazing, and frankly a... Continue reading (1171 words)

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