Yule nap time
I'm so tired. Are you tired? I think we were probably meant to hibernate or at least sleep a lot more this time of the year[1]. I think it would be restful to neither read nor write any words for a little bit[2], so I'll just share some photos of my Christmas tree. Or Yule tree, as you will.
I like decorating my tree with representations of forest things like mushrooms and pinecones and little forest animals like hedgehogs and the Pacific Northwest tree octopus.
When I first started decorating my own tree, I didn't have much budget for decorations so I made lots and lots of paper mushrooms. Over time, I've bought fancier mushrooms made of glass. I still like paper decorations though, so I've made some paper chains. Paper chains remind me of childhood Christmas in Poland.
This is my first Yule with a cat in the house, so I carefully didn't hang any paper chains or delicate babubles at her normal walking level.
So far, she hasn't shown any interest in the tree, except for a likely attempt to drink the Christmas tree water. I only infer she drank the tree water because the day after we put the tree up her, er, output was rather strange and kind of green and she seemed out of sorts. I taped up a plastic bag around the base of the tree the next day and she returned to her usual self.
Learn from this cat: take naps and don't drink the Christmas tree water.
Unless you're in the Southern Hemisphere in which case don't forget to wear sunscreen. ↩︎
If, on the other hand you're not that tired, actually, and would like to read something longer, might I suggest a post on a seasonal topic I wrote last year? Worship the sun It's traditional, it's natural, and it's reasonable ↩︎